GRSA Management Team Elections

GRSA Management Team Elections
Type of post: Chorus news item
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Janet Mason
Status: Current
Date Posted: Tue, Mar 25 2025
by Janet Mason

Grand Rapids Chorus of Sweet Adelines elected the 2025-2026 Management Team at it's Annual Meeting on March 24, 2025.    The newest Member is Jane Drake who fills a Member-at-Large position.   Three others were re-elected:  Marie Koltvedt- Secretary, and Janet Mason and Wendy Meyers - Member- at-Large.   They were elected to Two-Year terms, which begin on May 1, 2025. 

The rest of the Management Team was not up for re-election:  Sue Kuzee (Team Coordinator), Jeannine Schuurmans (Finance Manager), Holli Houtz (Director) and Penny Hock (Member-at-Large.)

Congrats to the new GRSA Management Team.